Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Old Lady

Today as I got out of bed I was walking to the bathroom like an old lady. My quads still hurt so much. I wasn't sure how I was going to be able to function today, let allow workout with max intervals. After about 3 minutes of jogging, power squats, jumps, etc. my muscles warmed up enough that I could continue. Today was hard, but not as bad as yesterday. I hope that continues to be true.

I have also been doing very well with eating 5 small meals a day which Insanity says is essential for good results. I find that I am not hungry and I am being quite disciplined. I really want to be in the best shape of my life for our anniversary (April 24th). That also happens to be only 2 days after my sister-in-law gets married so that is also something to look nice for.

It is great to be doing this with Nathaniel because I have a hard time wimping out or stopping if he is still going strong. It would be much easier just to say, "I'll do this video tomorrow and give my muscles time to recover" instead of getting up and powering through the pain.

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