Sunday, February 27, 2011

By the numbers

I woke up this morning expecting (hoping) to see huge changes in my body. Unfortunately, the biggest change was an increase in weight. I feel so much better, so I will forgive the lack of dramatic improvement in measurements. This week.

Right: 15.5
Left: 15.5
(My left calf is a quarter inch smaller)
Right: 24.75
Left: 24.5
(My right thigh is a half inch bigger while my left thigh is a half inch smaller. They are now more even. I'll call it a win.)
Hips: 40.5
(Half an inch larger.)
Waist: 40
(1.25" decrease in waist size. That is the best number of the week.)
Chest: 39.75
(This is a .75" decrease this week. I think that is a good number because I am losing fat. I really need to do better with the push up drills and exercises so I can get this number up a little bit.)
Right: 11.5
Left: 11.25
(A quarter inch decrease in both forearms. I really do not know how to read this number.)
Upper arm:
Right: 12.75
Left: 12.5
(No change in the right arm, and an increase of half an inch for my left arm. Another good number.)
Neck: 16.5
(No change. This is actually a good number, because it means I do not have to buy new shirts.)

My numbers are not bad. Some of them are really good. If I can keep up this kind of change, I should see the type of body I want by the end of the 64 days. I am pretty sure I will be able to dunk by the end of the 64 days.

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