Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 5

Did a pure cardio workout today. Actually, it was yesterday. I am a day late posting. Tennille is keeping me committed to the posting. I am not doing a real great job remembering to post. I am getting a little bit lazy. But, I have a great workout partner who also happens to be a great blogging partner.

Anyways, the workout is great. I was dying, Tennille was dying, even Shaun T. and his workout team were dying. At the end of the workout, the whole group is just laying on the ground trying to catch their breath. I was dying. I did not even complete the whole workout. Tennille did a great job, and it was very motivating. I am very competitive, but I do not want to discourage Tennille at all. So I workout behind her. As long as she is going, I try to keep going. But, yesterday, Tennille really beat me. She just kept motoring along, and I was dying.

My favorite exercise for the day was...I cannot remember. I think I was blessed to forget the actual workout so I am not too scared to do it again. I am left with the good feeling of having worked hard and done a good job. It was a killer workout consisting of fifteen different exercises done for one minute each with no rest in between. This is preceded by the normal ten minute "warm-up" that I think of as part of the workout. But the workout is hard, varied,and not at all boring.

Tennille and I talked about how much we love this workout. We are always a little nervous at the start, but the workouts take all the worry out of the equation. I do not have to think about what to do or when to change. The video takes care of everything, and all I have to do is lose weight and get stronger. We talked about how, when we finish with the 64 days, we can continue to use the videos as independent elements in our own workout programs.

Great program, and awesome workouts. I am looking forward to Sunday. That is when I will measure and weigh to see what the results of the first week are.

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