Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 6: A.K.A. The End of Week 1

So much soreness in so little time. I think that aptly describes Week 1. Doing an intense workout six days in a row has renewed my joy in Sunday being a day of rest. My body really needs the rest I get today. I am trying to sit down, drink a lot of water and eat some healthy food. Because I know what is coming tomorrow, and it is more work.

I should have posted this yesterday, but Tennille and I did not work out until the evening. Yesterday was a repeat of Tuesday's workout. I saw major improvement in my ability to complete the warm-up and some of the other exercises. Then, we arrived at the football and basketball drills. These come at the end of the workout. They involve quick feet, turn right, turn front, turn left, turn front, move right, move left, move back, then set into a lunge then sprint in place. Repeat. You do about three sets of those, then you move into the basketball drills. These involve a lot jumping and push-ups. They are really a killer.

But, I really like them. I really try to push through them even when I am exhausted. I can feel a real difference in my body. I can really tell I am improving in my ability to keep moving and do the more of the exercises. It is really motivating last night to be able to feel improvement. I am really liking this workout.

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