Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 2

My wife and I decided the only time we would be able to dedicate to working out together was 5am. With four kids, my work schedule, and various church meetings spread throughout the week, we decided to bite the bullet and get up early. This has its pros and cons. Pros include being done with my workout first thing in the morning and not having to dread the coming pain all day. It also means I get to workout with my wife, which is extra motivating to me. (Insert sexist comment here about how I will not allow my wife to beat me. After two days of this workout, I will use any motivation I can find.)

The cons include getting up at 5am. Who knew the clocks worked that early in the morning? (Actually, I did. I used to play basketball at 5am five days a week.) I think 5 am is a great time to workout. However, doing INSANITY at 5am has the drawback of making me look like an old man all morning. I am hoping the effects of the workout will be less dramatic as we go.

Having said that, let me review my workout. It started with a warm-up. After four minutes of warm-up, I was ready for a shower. Then we "stretched". Take notice of the quotes, because the stretching felt like a workout for me. Then we moved into the workout. At this point I was already tired and still sore from yesterday's workout. Then we went through a series of plyometric and resistance moves done at what appeared to be lightspeed. This workout focuses on intense intervals interspersed with very short rest periods. I could not finish any of the sets. I was thoroughly exhausted the entire time. My favorite exercise for the day was a tie between mountain climbers and level 1 basketball drills. Let me explain.

Mountain Climbers involve running in place while simulating the climbing motion with your arms. Unfortunately, by the time we reached mountain climbers in the workout, I was walking in place. I assume I looked a little like a monkey at the zoo. There's a visual for everyone.

Level 1 basketball drills involve dropping to the plank position, doing four push-ups, then running in plank for eight counts, then standing up and putting your hands in the air. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Throw up. Repeat.

It is a great workout so far. I feel better after getting it done. Two days down and 62 more days to go.

One final note. The backing crew for the workout are great. Half the time I hate them because they show close ups of skinny women blasting through the workout smiling at me as if to say, "What a pleasant day. I may need to workout after this enjoyable stroll." Then, I see them collapse, walk off screen for a drink, come back and go back at it. It makes me smile when I see them have to take a break. It makes the workout feel more real.

The bottom line for me is this workout is awesome. I hate it when it starts and I love it when it ends. See you tomorrow Shaun T. (Hey, I didn't pick his name.)

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