Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 4

Today was called Cardio Recovery. I thought it would be a day of cardio to recover my body from the resistance workouts we had been doing. Instead, it was a heavy resistance workout to allow my body to recover from all of the cardio we had been doing. Either way, it kicked my butt again. That is a theme for this program. It kicks my butt every day.

Today was a mix of resistance and yoga. I do not do yoga. Until today. Tennille even did a better job than I did today. I was doing okay until we did 16 squats, stayed in a squat, held it for 15 seconds, and then did 16 pulses. Pulses are mini-squats. Something like a slow bounce. Either way, it killed. Then we did the same thing in a lunge position. Then we switched legs. Then I fell over because I could no longer maintain my balance.

It was a short workout, coming in at just over 30 minutes. But it was a very intense 30 minutes. Another great workout that left me feeling sore, tired and happy.

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