Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 3

This morning found me awake at 4:30 thinking I missed the 5am alarm. When I realized it was 4:30, I could not get back to sleep for fear I would miss the alarm. Needless to say, I am tired. But, I was out of bed, dressed and ready to go at 5:15.

Today's workout was a real kick in the chest. There was a heavy focus on the chest and arms. We did things like tricep pushups. Essentially, you balance on your hands and toes, and then do push ups. Oh yeah, your hands and toes are next to each other and you are rolled up like a ball. In addition to those, I learned a couple of new push up variations. There is the V push-up. This is where walk forward from the normal push-up position until your body forms an upside down V. Then you do push-ups. Or there is the moving push-up. This is where you do push-ups while simultaneously moving back and forth. You move your right hand and foot over, then go down. On the up movement you bring your left hand and foot back into position. Oh the joy.

Needless to say, I was unable to complete every part of the workout. And today's workout friends were extra smiley. There is nothing worse than being in the middle of a workout, feeling your muscles quiver and burn with exhaustion, and then look up into the face of some perky little girl half your size grinning as she does sprinter's hurdles. I wanted to punch her.

But, on a brighter note, I do not dread the workouts like I thought I would. They are hard. Very hard. But I actually look forward to them. If I feel like dying, I stop, breath, and then get back into it. The idea is to improve. Take a few less breaks next week. By the end of the two months, I should still be dying after every workout. This brings me to my favorite aspect of this workout. You should always be pushing harder. There is never a time where you can say I am done with this particular element. You just keep pushing yourself to do the element faster. Get more reps. So far, I am really loving this workout.

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