Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Barely moving

I can barely move. Two days of this and I am sore all over. I couldn't finish all (read that as any) of the exercises, but I did push myself as much as I could. I figure I may not, okay I'll never look like those chicks on the video, but I will be a better more fit me. That is enough for me. I'm excited about that.

I am not a really competitive person most of the time. But, there are some things that really get my fire burning. If ever anyone says I can't do something I get this I'll show you attitude. I was told I wouldn't be able to train for a half marathon in time for the run, so I trained and ran 10 miles. That is as much as you are supposed to train to before a half marathon. I never got to run the race due to living too far away, but I wasn't going to be found lacking in ability. Last night my husband and I were trying to go to bed early when I said, "See you at 5!" He laughed and said, "Yeah, we'll see." I said, "Honey! Decide. Commit..." (Which is the thing Insanity always says. Decide. Commit. Succeed.) Before I could finish saying it, Nathaniel teasingly said, "I wasn't talking about me. My workout partner isn't known for keeping early hours." I had that surge of "you wait and see, Buster!" So now, I have to be motivated to get up to prove him wrong. Whatever it takes to get me out of bed in the morning. He knows me so well I think he said that on purpose (I couldn't see him smiling because it was dark, but I bet he was) just to get my fire burning. I sure love that man!

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