Monday, February 21, 2011

In the beginning...

In the beginning was the word. And the word was fat. And out-of-shape. Which I am counting as a single word because I used hyphens. (Obviously, I was not an English major.) In an effort to eliminate those words from my life, my wife and I have purchased the INSANITY workout program from We will begin today with the measurements, photos, and Fit Test. Then we will begin working out six days a week for the next nine weeks.

Our reasoning for making the purchase was to see if we could burn fat and get in better shape. For the past two years, Tennille and I have been working out and trying to eat better. What tends to happen is Tennille works out and eats well, and I pretend to eat well and workout intermittently. Tennille has begun to really look good, while my numbers have started to slide back up the scale again.

Tennille would like to reach her goal weight. She also wants to get back into running shape after having her fourth baby. I want to see if I can dunk a basketball in a game. I also want to be able to play sports and be active without getting short of breath. In other words, I want to get back into the shape I was in during high school where I played basketball every morning, went to swim and tennis practice, and lifted weights. Back before Little Debbie, college life, and deep fryers ruined me.

Tennille and I are going to attempt to blog after every workout. This means two posts everyday except Sundays for the next nine weeks. We will tell you how we feel and look and whether or not this program is working for us. This will be fun and exhausting, and we hope we can motivate and/or entertain anyone who wants to follow. But mostly, we want to take control of our lives and bodies.

In the beginning was the word(s). In the end, there will be only the results.

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