Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Disappointed in Myself

I was tired today. I only got 6 hours of sleep. For those of you with small babies, don't laugh at me. I know you are getting less than that. But again, it's hard to get up and still be tired and give it your all. I did okay through the warm-up and the stretches, but when it came to the pure cardio part, I was not my best. I tried to push through, but I had to keep stopping and/or altering the exercise. I was mad at myself when the workout was over because I was telling myself I should have pushed harder and dug deeper. At the time though, that was all the strength I had. I was still sweating like a beast, so I know it was still better than nothing. Tomorrow I hope to do better. I may have to get on the treadmill for a little while today to make up for my slack this morning.

I would still recommend this workout to people. I really like it, especially having a buddy to do it with. Originally when we bought it, Nathaniel was thinking we could sell it after we were through with the 9 weeks. There's no way we are getting rid of it. He doesn't want to either. I figure I'll use it between days that I run. I will especially need it in the future to get back into shape after having more babies. It seems like every time I get my body back into shape, it's time to have another little one. I pack on the weight, the baby is born, the weight doesn't come off, I work hard to eat right and workout, get back into shape, get pregnant, repeat. Seriously, I only lost 12 pounds with Tanner. That is full term, 39 weeks pregnant before delivery to what I weighed for months after. He weighed over 8 of those pounds. It gets harder and harder to lose the weight and I gain more with each baby. With Eliza I gained 19, Kate 17, Nathan 31, and with Tanner I gained 37 pounds. Anyway, it is hard on a woman's body to have children, especially close together. I am happy that I do have a healthy body and that I can exercise the way I want to. I miss running and look forward to warmer weather to be able to do more of that. These videos will help me keep muscle while I enjoy training for the half marathon I hope to do this year. I know that was quite the tangent, but it is something I have been thinking about lately.

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