Friday, March 4, 2011

Cardio Recovery - It's Not What You Think

The first time I read Cardio Recovery on the workout calendar, I thought it would be a jogging in place workout for a while to let my muscles recover. Unfortunately, it is the exact opposite. The workout is a recovery from the cardio we have been doing.

So, part way through the workout, We do 16 slow (very slow) squats. Then, on the last one, you hold the position for about 30 seconds, and then you do 16 pulses (mini-squats; kind of a slow, bounce). Then, when your legs are on fire, you turn to the right and do 16 lunges with your right leg in front. Then you do another 16 squats, hold, 16 pulses, and then turn to the left and do 16 lunges with your left leg in front. Then you hold the lunge position and do pulses. I failed to finish, but I found success.

I was going through the workout, and reached a point where I wanted to give up and just kneel down for a rest. Then I pushed myself to keep going. I just pushed through until I collapsed. My legs were burning and I just could not keep my legs from dropping. After the workout, I just had to sit and stop and rest for about 40 minutes so I could recover enough to stand up in the shower.

I was worried about going to bed because I thought I would not be able to walk when I woke up this morning. Surprisingly, I was not even sore this morning. I love the fact that I feel stronger and more fit. I feel like my body is changing for the better.

Success is getting closer.

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