Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It Doesn't Get Easier

Today was Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs again. It was just as hard as it was last time. I do love that I am able to go through the whole warm-up without stopping. At least in that I am a success. If you don't think that's a big deal, buy the videos and see for yourself. I still am not seeing any decrease on the scale. All this hard work has to pay off. If nothing else, I'll be the big lady that can keep up with her kids. As my sister says, "At least I'm not the fattest mom out there". I take comfort in that.
Nathaniel has been in some pain the last few days. His back and inner thigh are really sore and he thinks he may have pulled a muscle or something. I told him he should take a few days to let it recover, but he says he doesn't have to listen to me ;) . He is still trucking away doing the drills. I just hope it doesn't make it worse. I admire his determination. He is still quick to jump out of bed at 5 and get us going. I couldn't/wouldn't do this without him.

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