Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day...I lost count

Today was a bad day. I woke up exhausted. Several nights of not getting enough sleep left me crawling out of bed and sleep walking into the front room for the workout. I felt lethargic through the entire warm-up. Then I felt lazy for the entire workout. I really felt like my body had more to give, and I was just not pushing through for the best results. I felt lazy.

In high school, I swam, ran track and played tennis. I always wonder how I would have done if I had pushed harder in practice. Could I have done better in regionals? Could I have medaled at city? I will never know. But during the workout today, I felt all of those same feelings. I will not feel the same tomorrow. I am re-committing to the workout. I will "dig deeper" as Shaun T. likes to say. I will not feel lazy tomorrow, and I will not be lazy again.

New me, inside and out.

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