Monday, March 7, 2011

About Ready to Quit

As I was waking up this morning, I wondered if I should tell Nathaniel that I was thinking of quitting. I didn't want to let him down. This was something we were supposed to do together. It motivates you so much more when you have a partner. But I don't look any better. I do feel better. I feel stronger and more able. I was thinking I could still get up at 5 to workout with him, but I'd just do the warm-up on the video and then hop on the treadmill to do my running. That way we are still getting up and working out, just each in their own way. I decided to give it one more day to see if I did better on the fit test. If I didn't then I would quit. Fair enough, right? No weight change, no measurement change, no improvement in ability. But, there was an improvement in my ability. Not a huge jump. But definitely improvement. So, I am going to stick with this for a little while longer and hope I see some physical benefits. If not, I will get on that treadmill and run those saddlebags off. They've got to go one way or another.

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