Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Half Way Through the Week

I did better today. I got more sleep which makes a big difference of course. I could barely breathe through the workout so I know I was pushing myself. I still cannot do some of the drills he does. I sometimes have to do other things to keep moving and burning calories. I should not make excuses, but I am afraid that I will fall on my face by that point of the workout so push-up type drills kill me. I am not losing any inches off of my thighs yet, which is very disappointing. That is one of my hard areas to lose. I hope it will start to come off soon. I don't want to get bulky thighs from gaining more muscle (while still having the fat). I want lean, runners legs. I am noticing I do have more muscle in my stomach (still hidden by some fat). I am not sore like I was last week. I can move without the constant pain. That tells me I am getting stronger or at least my body is tolerating the workout better. Either way I'll take it.

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