Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Comeback Stalled

I could not seem to get going today. We did the basketball drills and football drills. We did suicides and mountain climbers. I worked hard. But, I still feel a little sluggish. Lack of sleep and a looming illness are slowing me down. I tried to work through it today, but I was slow getting started. Posting is starting to wear on me. It is hard to blog when I am getting discouraged with the workouts.

One bright spot in my dismal performance was the level 1 drills. You start in a standing position. You put your hands by your feet, then kick both feet back into a plank position. Then you do 4 push-ups. Then you sprint for an 8 count. Then you jump your feet back by your hands and stand up again. Then you repeat. I really focused on these drills and tried to push through and get the most out of these sets.

Another positive is I am improving my core position. Shaun T. keeps saying to keep your core tight while working out, stretching, etc. I am actually doing a better job at keeping my core tight during the workout. As an added benefit, I am keeping my core tight throughout the day in an attempt to extend the workout.

A final note. Tennille has been killing it lately. She is really pushing through the workout and not taking breaks. She looks motivated, and she looks like she is going to have a great week.

1 comment:

  1. Your the best husband ever! Thanks for saying that, Babe. I sure love you, workout buddy!
