Saturday, March 5, 2011

Week 2 Down

We just finished the last workout of the week. Two weeks down, 7 more to go. I was thrilled that we both finished the 10 minute "warm-up" without stopping once. I died the first time we did it. So that is an improvement. I am not seeing the same improvement in the measurement department. I have been eating well, except for today. I was in need of no-bake cookies and I had a little too many of them. I will be really mad if I workout like crazy all week and then have it negated by a few cookies. We'll see for sure later when I do the "official" measurements, but as of now, no change. What a bummer. People tell me it is probably just because I am gaining muscle so I haven't lost much yet in inches and weight. I do hope that I will start to thin out or I will have to stop this madness and start running again. At least with running I see results. I really believe I have to lose weight doing this because I literally have sweat dripping off of me after every workout.
Today was Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs. This was our first time with Cardio Abs. It was true to its name- Insane. I could not hold the positions as long as they said to. Nathaniel did so good today. He isn't feeling great and yet he totally rocked both workouts. He amazes me. I would not be as motivated without him. This has been so fun for us to do together. I love working hard together and helping each other become better.

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