Friday, March 4, 2011

That Was Harder Than I Remember

We worked out last night instead of in the morning since kids have been up in the night and sleep is hard to come by. Thursday is cardio recovery day. I enjoyed it last week, but it was much harder last night than I remembered it being the first time. Maybe it's because I was so sore last week that I was thrilled to not be jumping and running. I am hoping that by the end of 9 weeks I'll be able to hold some of those squats and lunges as long as they do.
I don't dread the workout like I used to. I don't necessarily look forward to it either. It is just good to be in a workout routine and have a buddy to be accountable to. It makes doing it so much easier. It isn't a question of whether to do it or not, just when to do it. It is also nice to have a buddy because then they can tell you if your form is bad and you can fix it. That way you don't injure yourself by doing it wrong the whole time.

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