Saturday, March 5, 2011

Cardio Power and Resistance is Futile

A little mash-up for a title. The futile part seems to be my being able to finish a workout. Once again, I met my match in the moving push-ups. They are done at the end of a set, so I am already tired, but I have to keep trying to do them. I really enjoy this particular workout. However, I was not in a good place at the beginning of the workout. I had acid reflux and felt like I was going to vomit. Lucky for me, I had my water and workout partner. Tennille and I did some of the workout side-by-side. This was very motivating.

I think that a partner is a great motivation for working out. It is rare to have an off day the same day as your partner, so you can always motivate each other. My partner is great. We motivate each other and make fun of the super fit workout models on the video together. It makes for a very entertaining workout.

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