Monday, March 28, 2011

Still Going

Today was a fit test day. That would be nice except the other 2 times we have done the fit test that was it for the day. Today we get to do a whole video in addition to the fit test. Nathaniel did the fit test this morning and I did it during his lunch break. We both did pretty darn good if I do say so myself. We improved on every single test except one, I think. We'll do the video together tonight.
I have lost 2 pounds so far in the past 5 weeks, which is nothing to brag about. People lose more than that going to the bathroom. I have not lost inches like I had hoped. Only 1 inch off of my hips and a half and inch off of my waist. The only thing I can see so far is the improvement in my fit test and my endurance. I am not giving up though. Today starts month 2. Everything from here on out is MAX intervals or MAX this or that. I figure if I stick to it I will get results. I want to see this through. I am getting more muscular, which is nice. I just don't want to be bulky. The MAX videos are more intense and longer, so I am nervous and excited at the same time. I love that everything is mapped out for you. All you have to do is push play and follow along. I really like this workout and I will continue to do it after this month is over. I don't want to lose the muscle I am gaining. I'll have to alternate these videos with running. I think I'll see the results I want with that combination.

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